Why Did I Become Evidence-Based Design Certified?
A couple of years ago, I was on a very popular—and seemingly legitimate—New York City art website that was promoting art for health and healing.
Get this—misshapen and horrifically disfigured images; spread open naked human legs and rolls of unhealthy body fat; abstracts of daggers and dripping blood—all amazing works in their categories—just nothing I would consider appropriate for the elimination of stress or the recovery of human health.
This set me on a course for knowledge. I wanted to discover if I could actually learn to design/create with your health and healing in mind. I found The Center For Health Design with its excellent EDAC (Evidence-based Design) courses and certification. Imagine thousands of doctors, hospital administrators, health facility architects, hospital room designers, and many more professionals worldwide basing their creative/artistic decisions and designs on actual medical studies.
Instead of some untrained art critic or consultant setting the standards for art, health, and healing, I now had real medical professionals to learn from and follow. The EDAC exam was the most challenging test I ever took (and I’m a university graduate with high grades), but the knowledge I gained—which I now incorporate into my designs—was absolutely worth all the hard work.
It’s amazing how many people who buy my evidence-based designs tell me how this “evidence-based” art actually shifts their moods and creates positive and uplifting feelings/states of mind.
Here are four examples of what should never be promoted as evidence-based art for health and healing. Two of the pieces sold within minutes to a collector. They had merit, just not as evidence-based design art.
The first painting is titled Anguish and is part of a series I created about child abuse. This painting artistically reflects the mental and emotional suffering that children experience when they are not nurtured in healthy ways.
The second work, Killed Opportunities, shows how barren and tragic a child’s life becomes as opportunities for health and happiness are killed.
The third painting, Death By Power, reflects negative power winning. The face of a hideous creature looking at the viewer (top center) and a hand with the middle finger raised up (lower center) are perceptible.
In February 2025, I sold The Tempest, the fourth painting, again to a collector.
All four paintings have merit as works of abstract art. The art itself, however, does not de-stress or promote health and healing. In fact, it does the opposite.
Can you imagine the added stress and trauma of looking at any one of these paintings while recovering in a hospital bed? Before training to become evidence-based design certified, I wondered why influential people in the art world were calling paintings like this art for health and art for healing. It just didn’t make any sense to me.
Here are more beautiful paintings that would not be considered 100% appropriate evidence-based designs. Some I sold, some are for sale through a Paris, France international gallery, my website, Galleri Soho in Sweden, and more.
When I create evidence-based design art, I use design suggestions and strategies based on credible scientific and medical research. I get my information from a variety of sources, but I enjoy and value the trainings (which are required for EDAC recertification) at the Center For Health Design and their journals and repository information.
There’s a difference between pretty art that makes us feel happy and art that triggers our brains to feel happy based on medical and scientific research. Evidence-based design is that kind of art.
What Is The Definition Of Evidence-Based Design?
There are broad and specific definitions of evidence-based design.
Here is the definition from the National Library of Medicine:
“Evidence-based design is scientific analysis methodology that emphasizes the use of data acquired in order to influence the design process in hospitals. It measures the physical and psychological effects of the built environment on its users.” (National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health)
Even Wikipedia now has a definition:
“Evidence-based design (EBD) is the process of constructing a building or physical environment based on scientific research to achieve the best possible outcomes.” (Wikipedia)
The definition I like best is from The Center For Health Design.
“…the process of basing decisions about the built environment on credible research to achieve the best possible outcomes.” (www.healthdesign.org/edac)
The built environment (people-built surroundings where human activity occurs) includes art, and since my EDAC (evidence-based design) training and certification, I have sold hundreds of paintings based on these definitions.
Some of my first Great Lakes/Lakeside Lovelies paintings using Evidence-Based Design training.
Based on medical and scientific studies, hospital/medical facility patients highly regard familiar nature scenes.
When I first started creating art using evidence-based design, my first creations were what I called Lakeside Lovelies and Great Lakes Lovelies (above). They were familiar nature scenes, mainly along Highway 23 in Northern Michigan. Half of my inspiration came from Lake Huron and the Straits of Mackinac. The air in this area is clear and clean, so my eyes can almost always catch super-crisp images.
The other half of my inspiration came from the abundance and variety of flowers around town, the Upper Penisula and Northern counties, and within my own art studio’s yard. Who would have thought it? Here is a bush—and of all places—next to my garage that inspired many of my paintings. In this area, this bush is a plentiful sight in the Spring, which also makes its stems a familiar nature scene.
Credible research told me that local natural landscapes helped to achieve the best possible health outcomes, and I strongly dislike painting realism (which isn’t a requirement in evidence-based design), so I happily went with a floral contemporary Impressionism style. (Thank you, Monsieur Monet.)
At the beginning of my journey as an evidence-based design artist and having a studio in Northern Michigan (where a few people still have trophy deer heads and bear skins on their living room walls), I decided to have a little fun and help promote art in the area with the new evidence-based design paintings and videos. Here’s an older video. Enjoy!
Is Evidence-Based Design Totally New?
Is Evidence-Design Totally New?
If you asked the 6th BCE Greeks of Epidaurus, they might take you to one of the most celebrated healing centers of the classical world—the Asclepieion hospital. In their hospital, patient rooms faced eastward. Why? It is believed the rooms were intuitively designed and placed toward the sun to promote healing.
Many centuries later, many movements from different countries came together in the 1970s to create a new field called evidence-based design.
Who are the people whose forces created this new discipline? Doctors, Scientists, Architects, Interior Designers, Psychologists, Sociologists, Anthropologists, and many others.
The Healing Window by Dorothea Sandra, EDAC, 36”x48”
This artist’s journey into Evidence-Based Design
Photo from the back of McLaren Northern Hospital, Petoskey, Michigan
I am known by many titles in the art world: Artist Of Happiness; a modernizer of traditional woodland compositions; a Great Lakes artist; a 21st-century experimental artist; creator of the evidence-based design collection, Symphonies Of Love; creator of the Smart City Art Collection; and more.
At the beginning of my evidence-based design artistic journey, I chose to create a painting depicting a view from a hospital room. The background of The Healing Window features Little Traverse Bay, as seen from the back parking lot of McLaren Northern Hospital in Petoskey, Michigan.
While composing this painting, I imagined myself in one of the patient rooms at McLaren Northern, looking out the window.
I also imagined myself in a patient room or in a healthcare lobby or a waiting area.

Artists always have lots of choices to make. Early in my evidence-based design floral art career, I chose creating happiness (triggering dopamine) over painting realism. My reason? I figured I would have more power to create happiness if I had more artistic power of the flowers. Not only did realism limit my ability to create happiness (dopamine), but according to medical and scientific research, traditional still-life wasn’t an art category most favored within evidence-based design.
So, is evidence-based design totally new? Yes and no. The flowers in this artwork are modern, cheerful, uplifting, and based on current evidence-based design best practices. However, I also wanted to pay homage to the accomplishments of those who came before us by incorporating elements that, especially in the design texture of the vases, evoke a rough, ancient Greek Asclepieion aesthetic.